
  • Runners take your mark, set, GO!!!!!! Physical Education is not necessarily the fastest runner or being the most athletic, it is giving 100% effort and demonstrating all the qualities of great sportsmanship and teamwork. In our department, our goal is to teach the skills to perform a variety of physical activities along with giving them the knowledge of leading a healthy active life style.
    Take a LEAP of Faith and DANCE! This elective class will be for those that enjoy moving their body to music.  Students will be able to show their creativity by choreographing routines and learning how to stretch and warm up properly.  They will also know the history and importance of dance and have fun while doing it!
    This website will be updated for Physical Education and Dance on the calendar for all activities and given assignments.
    Any questions please
    email me or call (619)588-3103 ext.2006